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Governing Board

Bancroft’s governing board is composed of the principal, parents, teachers, representatives of both the non-teaching professionals and support staff, day care as well as community representatives who work in partnership to ensure that all students receive the best possible learning opportunities. The powers and functions of the governing board are related to four areas: general, educational services, community services and physical and financial resources.

The current composition of the Bancroft Governing Board (2024-2025) is as follows:

Position Name
Yannick Riopel
Myrianne Lusignan
Délégué(e)/Delegate (PC):
Yannick Riopel
Suppléant(e)/Alternate PC Delegate:
Olivia Lecoufle
Tous les parents membres /All Parent Members
Veronica Reis, Olivia Lecoufle, Evita Ntinopoulu, Melissa Le Doussal
Enseignant(e)s/Teacher Members:
Christina De Sousa, Josie Sabelli, Catherine Cyr, Fernando Kucher
Personnel non-enseignant /Non-Teaching Professional:
Personnel de soutien/Support Staff:
Ian Mackenzie
Service de garde /Daycare:
Vanessa Giancioppi Interim Technician
Community Representatives:
Rubens Ernest (Sun Youth)

Want to know more?

More information on Governing Boards can be found by consulting the EMSB website by clicking on the link below:

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